Thursday, December 12, 2013

Is It Really Necessary To Floss?

The purpose of using dental floss is to remove dental plaque and biofilm from the surfaces of the teeth, especially the surface between two teeth. Because the spaces between teeth are usually so small, toothbrush bristles cannot reach in between the two tooth surfaces.

The suggested flossing regimen is in the morning after a meal, and at night before bedtime. No one has really studied daily versus weekly removal of plaque by flossing, but since plaque formation is a continuous process, daily removal is recommended for optimal health.

To read what the experts say click here:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Urine Stem Cells Used To Grow Teeth In Cell Regeneration Study

Peck Smiles just came across some pretty interesting information regarding new stem cell research that suggests that human urine can be used to generate new teeth. We know some of you just said “What?!”, however researchers have found that using urine for tooth generation can help form many other useful regenerative cells. 

Chinese researchers describe how stem cells derived from urine could be used to generate solid organs and tissues, including teeth. Their study is published this week in the open-access journal Cell Regeneration. The researchers hope the technique might one day help provide new, tailor-made teeth for dental patients. To read more of this article follow this link: 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Soft Drinks

Soft drinks are chock-full of sugar, which puts you at a risk for cavities, tooth decay, and gum infections, and dark colas can also stain your teeth, leaving you with a lackluster smile. 

We recommend drinking soda through a straw and rinsing with water or chewing sugar-free gum after consumption to neutralize the acids. We also recommend waiting at least an hour before brushing. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Diet pills

Even though they may seem like a quick way to trim your waist, diet pills can also be a fast track to gum disease and tooth decay. Like many over-the-counter and prescription medications, diet pills decrease salivary flow, which causes dry mouth and puts you at risk for gum disease, tooth decay, cavities, and discomfort. 

Bottom line: A balanced diet and exercise are the safest way to lose weight and protect your smile. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

DYK? Teeth grinding

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can affect your jaw, cause pain, and even change the appearance of your face. Stress and anger can increase nighttime teeth grinding. 

Finding ways to alleviate these feelings can help, but it's also important to see your dentist, who can recommend solutions like a custom night guard.